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API Ammo-Lock 16oz ( Aquarium )


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A patented water conditioner that works instantly, in both fresh and saltwater, to detoxify ammonia and remove chlorine and chloramines. Locks up ammonia in a non-toxic form until it can be broken down by the tank`s natural biological filter. Eliminates fish stress and promotes healthy gill function.

I just filled my aquarium with water. When should I treat with Ammo-Lock?
Add Ammo-Lock before you add fish and plants. It is necessary to remove chlorine and chloramines before aquatic life is placed in the aquarium.

How fast will Ammo-Lock work?
Ammo-Lock works instantly.

Can I use Ammo-Lock while my biological filter is developing?
Yes. The ammonia level will rise and fall as the biological filter forms in a new pond or at the start of each pond season. Ammo-Lock will protect the fish from ammonia while the biological filter becomes established. Ammo-Lock does not inhibit the development of the biological filter.

After adding Ammo-Lock my ammonia test kit still tests positive.
Ammo-Lock does not “remove” ammonia from the aquarium. Ammo-Lock simply makes the ammonia non-toxic to the fish. The ammonia level will drop as the biological filter consumes the ammonia.

My bottle froze this winter. Is the product still good?
Yes. A freeze and thaw will not harm the product. We recommend storing all products at room temperature, avoiding extreme heat or cold temperatures.

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