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Cultured Clam – Derasa


  • Scientific Name: Tridacna derasa
  • Common Names: Derasa Clam, Maxima Clam
  • Origin: Indo-Pacific
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The Cultured Clam, scientifically known as Tridacna derasa or commonly referred to as Derasa Clam or Maxima Clam, is a captivating addition to marine aquariums. Known for their vibrant colors and intricate patterns, these clams bring a touch of elegance to underwater landscapes.

Habitat and Behavior: Originating from the Indo-Pacific region, the Derasa Clam showcases a distinctive shell pattern with captivating colors that range from blues and purples to greens and browns. These clams are filter feeders, utilizing their mantle tissue to extract nutrients and maintain a symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic algae known as zooxanthellae.

Caring for Cultured Clams: Cultured Clams require specific care to thrive in aquarium environments. Providing adequate light, water flow, and maintaining stable water parameters are crucial for their well-being. The placement of the clam should allow it to receive sufficient light without excessive exposure, and ensuring proper calcium and alkalinity levels is essential for shell growth.

Symbiotic Relationship: Derasa Clams establish a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae algae residing within their tissues. These algae photosynthesize and provide the clams with essential nutrients, while the clams offer protection and a suitable environment for the algae.

Feeding and Nutrition: While Cultured Clams primarily rely on photosynthesis for nutrition, supplemental feeding can enhance their health and growth. Target feeding with specialized clam foods helps provide additional nutrients, enhancing their vibrancy and overall condition.

Compatibility and Placement: Cultured Clams can be housed in reef aquariums alongside other peaceful inhabitants. Proper placement, ensuring adequate lighting and water flow, is key to their success. Regular observation and adjustments may be necessary to optimize their position within the tank.

Note: The captivating appearance of the Cultured Clam – Derasa adds an exquisite touch to marine aquariums. Its vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and intriguing symbiotic relationship make it a centerpiece that elevates the beauty of the underwater world.

Please Note: Individual Cultured Clams may display variations in coloration and pattern, and the clams you receive may differ from the representative images provided.

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