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Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer


  • Common Name: Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer
  • Latin Name: Arothron nigropunctatus
  • Distribution: The Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer is naturally occurring in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea, the Maldives, the Philippines, Indonesia, and other parts of the Pacific Ocean.
  • Max Size: Up to 10 inches (25 cm)
  • Temperature Range: 75°F – 82°F (24°C – 28°C)
  • pH Range: 8.1 – 8.4
  • KH Range: 8 – 12 dKH
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Lighting Preference: Moderate to high lighting
  • Preferred Food: Carnivorous diet consisting of small marine invertebrates, crustaceans, and mollusks
  • Behaviour: Territorial and can be aggressive towards other tankmates. They have the ability to inflate their bodies as a defense mechanism.
  • Suitable for Reef Tanks: Not suitable for reef tanks as they may nip at corals and other invertebrates.
  • Interesting Facts:
  • The Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer gets its common name from its dog-like face and its puffed appearance when threatened or stressed.
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The Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer, scientifically known as Arothron nigropunctatus, is a medium-sized puffer fish that can reach a maximum size of around 10 inches (25 cm). It has a distinctive appearance with a round body, a blunt snout, and large, expressive eyes. The body is typically yellow or pale in colour, and it is covered in dark spots or small black markings. When threatened or alarmed, it can inflate its body, giving it a more robust and spiky appearance.


The Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer belongs to the genus Arothron and the family Tetraodontidae. It is closely related to other pufferfish species, such as the Stars and Stripes Puffer (Arothron hispidus) and the Guineafowl Puffer (Arothron meleagris). The scientific name Arothron nigropunctatus is derived from the Greek words “nigro” meaning black and “punctatus” meaning spotted, referring to its characteristic dark spots.

Natural Habitat

In the wild, the Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer inhabits coral reefs and rocky areas in the Indo-Pacific region. It can be found in coastal waters, lagoons, and reef slopes. The habitat is rich in marine life, including various corals, sponges, and other invertebrates. These pufferfish are typically encountered in depths ranging from 15 to 100 feet (5 to 30 meters).

Keeping the Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer Healthy:

The Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer requires a moderate level of care and is suitable for experienced fish keepers. They thrive in well-maintained marine aquariums with a minimum tank size of 50 gallons (190 litres) to provide ample swimming space. Water quality is crucial, with temperature ideally maintained between 75-82°F (24-28°C), pH between 8.1-8.4, and salinity at 1.022-1.025.

Special Requirements and Feeding

These pufferfish have specialized beak-like teeth that continuously grow, requiring a diet that helps wear down their teeth. A varied diet consisting of a combination of hard-shelled invertebrates, such as crustaceans and mollusks, and other meaty foods like fish, shrimp, and squid is essential. Live or frozen foods should be offered, as well as occasional herbivorous options like algae and seaweed.

How Many Should I Keep?

Dogface Hush Puppy Puffers are best kept individually or in mated pairs due to their territorial nature. Keeping multiple individuals in the same tank may lead to aggression and territorial disputes.

Natural Defence

When threatened, the Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer has the ability to inflate its body by swallowing water, making it more challenging for predators to swallow or bite. It also has sharp spines that can be erected to deter potential threats.

Lighting Preference

The Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer does not have specific lighting preferences. Providing a well-lit aquarium with a combination of natural daylight and suitable aquarium lighting is sufficient.

Suitable Tank Mates

Care should be taken when selecting tank mates for the Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer. They may display aggression towards other pufferfish or fish with similar body shapes. Peaceful and non-aggressive species that can withstand their occasional aggressive behaviour, such as larger angelfish, tangs, or triggerfish, may be suitable tank mates.

Breeding Arothron nigropunctatus:

  1. Set Up:

Breeding the Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer in captivity requires a spacious aquarium with suitable water parameters. A separate breeding tank should be set up with hiding places, such as PVC pipes or caves, to provide shelter for the female during spawning.

  1. Courtship/Spawning:

Courtship behaviours of the Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer include fin displays, chasing, and nudging. Once the male and female have established a bond, they will engage in spawning. The female releases eggs while the male fertilizes them externally.

  1. Rearing:

After spawning, the eggs are adhesive and will attach to the chosen substrate or other surfaces in the aquarium. The parents do not provide any further care for the eggs or the resulting fry. The eggs will hatch within a few days, and the fry will start their life as small, free-swimming larvae.

Sexual Dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism in the Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer is not prominent. Both males and females have similar external appearances and lack distinct physical differences that can be observed.


The Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer, Arothron nigropunctatus, is naturally distributed throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region. It can be found in areas including the Red Sea, the Maldives, the Philippines, Indonesia, and other parts of the Pacific Ocean.


The Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer, Arothron nigropunctatus, is a visually striking pufferfish species that can reach a maximum size of around 10 inches (25 cm). It has a round body, a blunt snout, and large, expressive eyes. These pufferfish are best suited for experienced fish keepers due to their care requirements and territorial nature.

In the wild, they reproduce through sexual reproduction, with separate sexes coming together for mating. Breeding the Dogface Hush Puppy Puffer in captivity requires a separate breeding tank with suitable hiding places.

These pufferfish have a wide distribution in the Indo-Pacific region and can be found in various tropical waters. They are known for their ability to inflate their bodies as a defence mechanism and have sharp spines for protection.

The Fish pictured here are representative only and the livestock you receive may vary in pattern, coloration, and shape.

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