The KZ Amino Acid Concentrate greatly helps towards your corals’ health and growth.
1) Supports recovery after any illness, improves immune response, reduces susceptibility to illness.
2) Replenishes any amino acids that fish are unable to produce in sufficient quantity.
3) Increases overall survivability rate of juvenile fish while promoting much better coloration and growth.
4) Encourages better coloration in adult fish.
Malnutrition is more readily compensated for. Preparation Dry food (Pellets): Completely soak food product in water and amino acids. Frozen food: Mix the food with Aminoacid Concentrate Fish and mix thoroughly.
Dosing: Juvenile fish up to 10 weeks: Add 1 drop per 10g of food daily.
3 Months and older: 1 drop per 10g of food 1-2 times weekly.
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