The Long Tentacle Anemone also know as the LTA. This variation of the Long Tentacle Anemone has purple tentacles and a red base. This is a fairly uncommon find in the industry. It is a host to clownfish, usually Amphiprion perideraion and A. clarki. The Long Tentacle Anemone requires an established aquarium with plenty of live rock, and a sand or rubble substrate in which it can hide. The diet should include small pieces of fish or mussel, brine or mysis shrimp and other frozen meaty foods that are marine in origin. Does best in a sand bed.
Size 3-6″ Max Size: 20″
Care Level: Easy
Lighting: Moderate to High
Placement: Bottom
Temperament: Semi Aggressive
Waterflow: Medium to High
Scientific Name: Macrodactyla doreensis
Water Conditions: 75-80° F; sg 1.024-1.026 (1.025 is ideal); pH 8.1-8.4 Ca 420-440 ppm, Alk 8-9.5 dKH, Mg 1260-1350, Nitrates <10ppm, Phosphates, < .10ppm
The anemone pictured here is what you see is what you get and the piece you receive will be similar and exact in the pattern, coloration and shape.
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