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Purple Tip Pincushion Urchin


  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Group Size: Can be kept singly or in a mixed tang group
  • Place of Origin: Indian Ocean and Western Pacific
  • Coral Safe: Generally considered safe
  • Critter Safe: Generally considered safe
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The Purple Tip Pincushion Urchin, belonging to the family Acanthuridae, shares its lineage with other ray-finned fish such as Sawtails and Surgeonfish. A defining characteristic of the Acanthuridae family is the presence of specialized scalpels or spines located on both sides of the caudal peduncle. These spines serve as a form of defense and are often brightly colored to serve as a deterrent. In the case of the Purple Tip Pincushion Urchin, these spines are adorned with vibrant purple hues.

This species also falls under the subfamily Nasinae, which exclusively comprises members of the Naso genus. These remarkable creatures possess up to two forward-hooked spines on each side of their caudal peduncle, with the quantity varying based on the age of the fish. As the name implies, Sawtails within this group develop keels as they mature, with some individuals bearing as many as seven keels. Unlike the fixed spines of other groups, only members of the Acanthurinae Subfamily have retractable spines. The Purple Tip Pincushion Urchin is part of this subfamily, owning a single pair of spines that it can raise by curving its tail.


In its natural habitat, the Purple Tip Pincushion Urchin thrives on reef flats and coastal areas within the Indian Ocean and Red Sea regions. These urchins often congregate in small groups around locations like Indonesia, South Africa, and Durban.

On the reef, the Purple Tip Pincushion Urchin plays a vital role as an algae grazer, similar to its tang relatives. By helping control algae growth, these urchins prevent unchecked algae from outcompeting slower-growing coral species for essential resources like space and light. This role is especially pronounced in shallower reefs that receive abundant sunlight.

Aquarium Care:

Creating a suitable aquarium environment for the Purple Tip Pincushion Urchin involves providing ample hiding spots and crevices to mimic its natural habitat. Aquaroche and Aquaroche shelves can serve as helpful additions to facilitate this territorial establishment. To prevent any accidental escapes, using a jump guard is advisable.


For optimal health, the Purple Tip Pincushion Urchin benefits from a diverse diet. High-quality pellet and flake foods, such as Jbl Maris, form a crucial part of their nutrition. Additionally, offering ocean nutrition seaweed secured to the tank’s sides using clips supplements their diet. Enriched frozen foods like mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and krill are also eagerly consumed. Seachem garlic guard and Atvitol vitamins added to the frozen food enrich their diet and bolster their immune systems, aiding in warding off white spot and promoting overall longevity.

Social Behavior and Care:

Purple Tip Pincushion Urchins can be kept individually or in groups. If considering group arrangements, seeking expert advice is recommended to ensure their well-being and compatibility.

Please note that the images provided are for illustrative purposes only, and the actual appearance, coloration, and patterns of the urchin you receive may vary.

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