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Yellow Throat Regal Angelfish


Actual Size: 2-4″

Maximum Size: 7-10”

Care Level: Expert Only

Temperament: Semi-Aggressive

Feeding: Omnivore

Minimum Tank Size: 80 gal

Reef Compatible: With Caution

Scientific Name: Pygoplites diacanthus

Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025

The Fish pictured here are representative only and the livestock you receive may vary in pattern, coloration, and shape.

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Yellow Throat Regal Angelfish, Pygoplites diacanthus, are Regal Angels with a yellow chin, as opposed to blue. Both colour variants are the same species but from a different geographic region. The yellow throat variety are from the Red Sea/ Indian Ocean, whereas the blue throat Regals are from the Indo Pacific. Regal Angels are the only species in the genus Pygoplites. Juvenile Regals do resemble the adults to some extent. 

Adult Yellow Throat Regal Angels have a remarkable appearance. They have warm yellow bodies, featuring alternating blue and white stripes. A Black mask covers their eyes and a large blue spine protrudes from its gill. The caudal, pectoral and ventral fins are bright yellow, while the dorsal and anal fin display vivid blue stripes. Juvenile Yellow Throat Regal Angels also have a yellow body with evenly spaced stripes. The blue stripes are not as prominent when the fish is young. juveniles lack stripes on the dorsal and anal fin. Instead, they have a large blue eye spot on the dorsal fin.

Yellow Throat Regal Angelfish Ecology:

These marine Angels live on coral reefs and in lagoons. In nature, Yellow Throat Regal Angelfish graze on macroalgae and sessile invertebrates, such as sponge and tunicates. This makes them unsuitable for marine aquariums with clams and coral, as they do tend to nip at them. However, it may be possible to keep some carefully selected coral species in the same tank as the Yellow Throat Regal Angel. We highly recommend consulting a member of staff on the issue.

Pygoplites diacanthus In The Aquarium:

It is important to have plenty of nooks or crannies where your Yellow Throat Regal Angelfish can explore and feel at home. Keepers may also want to get a jump guard to stop any accidents.

Yellow Throat Regal Angelfish are omnivores and do best when fed a varied diet. They will accept frozen Mysis shrimp and enriched frozen brine shrimp. We enrich all our frozen food with seachem garlic guard and Atvitol vitamins. These are great for keeping fish healthy by providing them with the nutrition otherwise lost in frozen food. In doing so, these additives support their immune system and increase longevity.

Yellow Throat Regal Angelfish will graze on marine algae that can be secured to the side of the tank with clips. Over time they will accept high-quality pellet or flake. We adapt all our Angel Fish to aquarium life before they leave us. We focus on their health, and most are eating a good quality flake food and/or pellet before being offered for sale.

Angelfish can be kept in a mixed group or alone, feel free to give us a call with any questions.

The Fish pictured here are representative only and the livestock you receive may vary in pattern, coloration, and shape.

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