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Fox Face Vulpinus


  • Common Name: Fox Face Vulpinus
  • Latin Name: Siganus vulpinus
  • Distribution: Is naturally occurring in the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea, the coast of East Africa, and extending to the western Pacific Ocean. They are commonly found in the waters around Indonesia, the Philippines, and Australia.
  • Max Size: around 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 cm).
  • Temperature Range: from 75 to 82°F (24 to 28°C).
  • pH Range: They prefer a pH range of 8.1 to 8.4.
  • Kh Range: They can tolerate a wide range of carbonate hardness (KH) levels, typically between 8 and 12 dKH.
  • Care Level: The care level for the Fox Face Vulpinus is considered moderate to difficult. They require a well-established aquarium with stable water parameters.
  • Lighting Preference: They prefer moderate to high lighting levels in the aquarium.
  • Preferred Food: The Fox Face Vulpinus is primarily herbivorous, feeding on a diet of various marine algae and seaweed. Offering a variety of live, frozen, and dried algae-based foods is recommended.
  • Behaviour: They are generally peaceful fish but may become aggressive towards other similar species or individuals when competing for food or territory. They are known for their distinctive, elongated snouts and venomous spines on their dorsal and anal fins.
  • Suitable for Reef Tanks: The Fox Face Vulpinus can be suitable for reef tanks, but caution should be exercised when keeping them with corals or other sessile invertebrates, as they may nip at them.
  • Interesting Facts:
    1. They possess venomous spines on their dorsal and anal fins, which they use for defence.
    2. While they are generally hardy fish, they can be sensitive to sudden changes in water conditions
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The Fox Face Vulpinus (Siganus vulpinus) is a beautiful marine fish known for its vibrant colours and bold markings. It can grow up to a maximum size of around 30 centimetres (12 inches).


The Fox Face Vulpinus belongs to the genus Siganus and the family Siganidae. It is closely related to other rabbitfish species and shares common characteristics with them. The etymology of the genus name “Siganus” is derived from the Greek word “signon,” meaning “a fish with spines.”

Natural Habitat

The Fox Face Vulpinus is typically found in tropical marine environments, particularly in coral reefs and rocky areas. It prefers habitats with plenty of hiding places and areas of coral growth, where it can seek refuge from potential predators. These fish are commonly found at depths ranging from 1 to 30 meters (3 to 98 feet).

Keeping the Fox Face Vulpinus Healthy

The Fox Face Vulpinus requires a moderate level of care and attention to ensure its well-being. It is generally considered to be of moderate difficulty to keep due to its specific needs. Providing a suitable aquarium environment with proper water quality, temperature, and appropriate tank mates is crucial.

Special Requirements and Feeding

The Fox Face Vulpinus is primarily herbivorous and feeds on a diet consisting of algae, seaweed, and other marine vegetation. It is important to offer a varied diet to ensure proper nutrition. Additionally, providing ample hiding places within the aquarium is essential to help the fish feel secure and reduce stress.

How Many Should I Keep

It is recommended to keep only one Fox Face Vulpinus per aquarium to minimize aggression and territorial behaviour. These fish may become aggressive towards other similar-looking species or conspecifics.

Lighting Preference

The Fox Face Vulpinus prefers moderate to high lighting levels in the aquarium. Proper lighting not only enhances the fish’s colours but also promotes the growth of beneficial algae for their dietary needs.

Suitable Tank Mates

When considering tank mates for the Fox Face Vulpinus, it is important to choose peaceful species that are compatible with its herbivorous nature. Avoid keeping it with aggressive or predatory fish that may harm or stress the Fox Face Vulpinus.

Reproduction in the Wild

The Fox Face Vulpinus reproduces through a process known as spawning. These fish engage in reproductive activities in their natural habitats, typically in coral reef environments.

During the breeding season, which can vary based on location and environmental factors, male and female Fox Face Vulpinus engage in courtship behaviours.

Once a compatible pair is formed, they will search for a suitable spawning site. This can be a flat surface on the reef substrate or even the underside of coral ledges. The female will release a large number of small, buoyant eggs into the water column, while the male simultaneously releases sperm to fertilize the eggs externally.

Breeding Siganus vulpinus

  1. Set up:

To breed Fox Face Vulpinus in captivity, a well-maintained aquarium with suitable conditions must be prepared. The tank should have ample hiding places and provide a stable environment with appropriate water parameters.

  1. Courtship/ Spawning:

During courtship, the male will display vibrant colours and engage in elaborate swimming patterns to attract a female. Once a pair is formed, they will move to a suitable spawning site, usually a flat surface or a depression in the substrate.

  1. Rearing:

After successful spawning, the female will release numerous small, buoyant eggs into the water column. The male will then fertilize the eggs externally. Once fertilized, the eggs will float freely in the water, where they hatch into larvae after a few days.

Sexual Dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism in the Fox Face Vulpinus is minimal, with males and females exhibiting similar physical characteristics. It is challenging to visually differentiate between the sexes based on external appearance alone.


The Fox Face Vulpinus is naturally distributed in the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea, the Maldives, the Andaman Sea, and parts of Southeast Asia. It can be found in both wild populations and captive-bred specimens. The original fish, from which the captive-bred line bred strain originates, can be traced back to these regions.


The Fox Face Vulpinus (Siganus vulpinus) is a fascinating marine fish known for its striking appearance and unique characteristics. It exhibits vibrant colours and distinct markings, making it an attractive addition to a saltwater aquarium. While it requires moderate care and attention, providing a suitable tank setup, a proper diet, and compatible tank mates will contribute to its overall well-being. With its herbivorous nature and preference for moderate to high lighting levels, this fish can thrive in reef tanks. Whether in the wild or in captivity, these fish engage in spawning behaviour, where courtship and fertilization occur. This fish is distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific region, and efforts have been made to breed them in captivity, ensuring a sustainable supply for aquarium enthusiasts.

The Fish pictured here are representative only and the livestock you receive may vary in pattern, coloration, and shape.

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