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Zebra Barred Dartfish


  • Common Name: Zebra Barred Dartfish, Shotsilk Goby
  • Latin Name: Ptereleotris zebra
  • Distribution: The Shotsilk Goby is naturally occurring in the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the western Pacific Ocean.
  • Max Size: Up to 4 inches (10 centimetres)
  • Temperature Range: 75-82°F (24-28°C)
  • pH Range: 8.1-8.4
  • Kh Range: 8-12 dKH
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Lighting Preference: Moderate to bright lighting
  • Preferred Food: High-quality marine pellets, frozen foods (mysis shrimp, brine shrimp), occasional live foods
  • Behaviour: Peaceful and active swimmers, may jump if startled
  • Suitable for Reef Tanks: Yes, they are compatible with reef environments and are generally reef-safe.
  • Interesting Facts:

These gobies are active swimmers and should be provided with ample hiding spots and swimming space.

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The Zebra Barred Dartfish, Ptereleotris zebra, also goes by the name Shotsilk Goby. This is a visually stunning fish, known for its vibrant colours and elegant body shape. It can reach a maximum size of around 4 inches (10 centimetres), making it a small to medium-sized fish for aquariums.

Natural Habitat: 

In its natural habitat, the Zebra Barred Dartfish is typically found in coral reefs and rocky areas. These habitats are filled with crevices, caves, and coral formations that provide the goby with shelter and places to explore.

Keeping Zebra Barred Dartfish Healthy: 

The Zebra Barred Dartfish or Shotsilk Goby requires moderate care to thrive in aquariums. Attention should be given to maintaining suitable water parameters, including temperature, pH, and salinity. Regular monitoring of water quality and performing routine maintenance tasks such as water changes are crucial for their well-being.

Special Requirements and Feeding: 

To keep the Zebra Barred Dartfish healthy, provide a well-balanced diet consisting of high-quality marine pellets, frozen foods like mysis shrimp and brine shrimp, and occasional live foods. It is beneficial to offer a variety of food sources to mimic their natural feeding habits.

How Many Should I Keep? 

The Zebra Barred Dartfish can be kept individually or in small groups in a suitable-sized aquarium. It is recommended to provide a tank with a minimum size of 30 gallons (113 litres) to accommodate their swimming and hiding behaviours. When keeping multiple gobies, ensure there is enough space and suitable hiding spots to minimize aggression.

Lighting Preference: 

These fish do well under moderate to bright lighting conditions. Proper lighting enhances their vibrant colours and promotes natural behaviours.

Suitable Tank Mates: 

Zebra Barred Dartfish are generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of reef-safe fish and invertebrates. Avoid keeping them with aggressive or territorial species that may intimidate or harm them. Suitable tank mates include other peaceful gobies, small wrasses, small angelfish, and peaceful community fish.

The Zebra Barred Dartfish, scientifically known as Ptereleotris zebra, is a captivating addition to any marine aquarium. With its vibrant colours and graceful movements, it adds beauty and elegance to reef environments. While they have moderate care requirements, providing suitable water conditions, a varied diet, and compatible tank mates ensures their health and well-being. Keep in mind their small to medium size and consider providing ample swimming space and hiding spots to create a comfortable home for these striking gobies.

Reproduction in the Wild:

In the wild, the Zebra Barred Dartfish (Ptereleotris zebra) engages in reproductive behaviours to ensure the survival of its species. These gobies are oviparous, meaning they reproduce by laying eggs that develop externally.

Breeding Ptereleotris zebra: 

  1. Set Up:

To breed Zebra Barred Dartfish in captivity, create a well-maintained aquarium with suitable water parameters, including temperature, pH, and salinity. Provide ample hiding spots using rocks, caves, or PVC pipes where the gobies can lay their eggs.

  1. Courtship/Spawning:

Courtship behaviours of the Zebra Barred Dartfish involve elaborate displays by the male to attract a female. The male performs courtship dances, flares its fins, and displays vibrant colours. Once a pair has formed, the female deposits adhesive eggs on a substrate within the chosen hiding spot.

  1. Rearing:

After spawning, the male guards and tends to the eggs while the female may play a smaller role or even leave the nest. The male fans the eggs with his fins, providing oxygen and protecting them from predators. The eggs typically hatch within a few days, and the fry become free-swimming.

Sexual Dimorphism: 

Sexual dimorphism in Zebra Barred Dartfish is not prominently observed. Both males and females exhibit similar body shapes, colours, and patterns, making it challenging to visually differentiate between them.


The Zebra Barred Dartfish comes from the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the western Pacific Ocean.


The Zebra Barred Dartfish or Shotsilk Goby (Ptereleotris zebra) is a captivating fish known for its vibrant colours and elegant appearance. With moderate care requirements, suitable water conditions, and a varied diet, these gobies can thrive in aquariums. While sexual dimorphism is not easily distinguishable, their behaviours during courtship and spawning are fascinating to observe. Originally found in the Indo-Pacific region, the Shotsilk Goby adds beauty and charm to marine aquariums. Breeding these gobies can be an exciting endeavour for dedicated aquarists who wish to observe the reproductive behaviours of this stunning species.

The Fish pictured here are representative only and the livestock you receive may vary in pattern, coloration, and shape.

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